Wednesday, February 11, 2009

He's On The Charts

I took Britton in this morning for his 18-month check-up. I think he must have remembered the nurse because he took one look at her and begged for me to hold him. He was fine with the doctor, but cried and started climbing all over me whenever the nurse came in. Of course, she's the one who has to do the dirty work - give the shots. He is a healthy little guy with, and I quote, "beautiful ears." He is now up to 20 lbs. 14 oz., which puts him on the chart at the 1st percentile. This means that 99% of kids his age weigh more than him. He's also at the 25th percentile for height. So, he's still my little dude, but he made it to the bottom line of the chart -yeah! Now the doctor can quit worrying about him.


Jenni said...

Good job Britton! Our Owen is in the same boat, he finally hit 20lbs at 19 months, and the doc said I had to make him gain weight and told me to come back in three weeks, well we did and he gained half a pound and still isn't on the charts. I think these boys are just going to be little and the docs are going to have to deal with it!

Chelsi said...

Did you ever think that you'd be thrilled to have one of your kids hit the bottom of a chart? :o) I'm glad he's hitting it. Fortunately for me, Gracie's always been on the charts--at the bottom, yes, but staying consistent in the bottom 10%.