Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Paying The Price

Ever since I became a mother, I have been recalling words of wisdom from my parents and realizing just how right they were. I am now remembering my dad urging me to put on sunscreen; to avoid so much time in the sun; to think about the possibility of skin cancer in the future. But at 14, 15, 16 do we ever realize the wisdom of our parents? I was invincible - I would never get skin cancer. Or if I did, it would be a quick snip to remove it and I would move on. The important thing was to have that gorgeous tan. So I would head outside on those sunny days, slather myself with baby oil, and end up with a sunburn (which would turn into a nice tan after a few days).
Several months ago, a new mole appeared just above my collarbone. It looked a little funny, and I considered having it checked out, but kept putting it off. Sydni kept requesting a visit to the dermatologist to get a couple of moles removed from her forehead, so I finally made an appointment for her and me. Once hers were removed, the doctor took a look at mine and informed me this wasn't any old mole; it was most likely basal cell carcinoma. He removed it and sent it in for a biopsy to be certain. Last Thursday I received the call that his suspicions had been confirmed. I had skin cancer.
Now, the form of skin cancer I have is not life-threatening and doesn't spread quickly, but it was still a little scary to hear those words from your doctor. We scheduled a procedure for this morning to have the skin and tissue around the area removed in case it had spread at all. All went well, but I am really hurting right now. I know that my little pain pales in comparison to what some I know are going through right now, but it is still my pain. I will have lots of help from my kiddos and hubby, but I'm going to have to take it easy for a few days. Those of you who know me well realize how difficult that in itself will be on me.
So, my plea to you is to wear sunscreen and make your kids wear it. Be aware of any new moles or changing ones. Take care of yourselves and your families. And kids - listen to your parents! They know what they're talking about!