Monday, August 11, 2008

Do Fires Run In The Family?

I ask this question because my lil' sis had a kitchen fire last week. She was very brave and took care of it before it caused any serious problems. Today I had my own little adventure involving our Fiat. I was on my way to Smiths when the car stalled just before the intersection at 4100 South and 6000 West. When I tried to restart it, I noticed smoke coming from under the hood. I ordered Emma out of the car and had her call Don to find out how to open the hood. Just then I noticed that the paint on the hood was starting to bubble, so I figured there had to be flames under there. I was so blessed to have a nice man with a cool head stop and help me. He ran to the house across the street, grabbed their hose, and put the fire out while I was calling 9-1-1. Another man who lives just up the street came down and helped, too. Just as they got the flames out, a small fire truck (SUV) pulled up. We surveyed the damage - mostly charred wires and damaged paint - so it was pretty minimal. I'm so grateful that man came along or we could have lost the whole car. Thank you, Mark Hansen, whoever you are!!! The man living up the street even brought his truck down and towed us home. There are still wonderful people living in this world!


Chelsi said...

Oh no! I didn't mean to start anything... what is up with our family? Maybe we should warn everyone else. I am so glad that you had some great help! What do you do now with the fiat?

Heather said...

That is horrible! I'm so glad everyone is okay and that there wasn't too much damage to the Fiat. My parents had a car fire when I was a child...they had gone Christmas shopping and when they came out of the store the Suburban's engine was on fire. J and I will be careful as we drive to Utah this upcoming week.