Friday, February 15, 2008

He's The Only One For Me

I got "tagged" by my sis, so I get to talk about my hubby!
What is his full name? Donnell E. Leavitt, III (sorry - I cannot reveal what the "E" stands for)
How long have you been married? We're coming up on 15 years - wow!
Who eats more sweets? Oh me, by far. He will sometimes say, "I'm not in a sweets mood." I don't think I've ever been in that mood!
Who said I love you first? He did. Others had told me not to expect anything long-term from him, so I wasn't about to let myself be vulnerable. But once he said it, I realized right away that I felt the same way.
How old is he? He's been 38 for two weeks now.
Who is taller? He is, by about 6 inches.
Who is smarter? He is so much smarter than me, and I'm no dummy.
Who can sing better? He has an amazing voice - one of the things that first attracted me to him. I love to sing, but I'm much better in large groups.
Who does the laundry? I do, but he will help fold when the clean laundry has been in a pile on the couch for a few days.
Who pays the bills? Me, but he makes the money.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Is there a wrong side...Actually, I sleep on the right side when we're laying down. I've just always slept closer to the door. I think it's because I've always gone to bed first.
Who mows the lawn? Don - he's the only one who can run our poor old mower.
Who cooks dinner? I do - except for on my birthday and Mother's Day
Who drives? He has such a long commute to work each day that he gets sick of it, so I drive whenever we go out together. Of course, when we go out in the Fiat, he always drives.
Who is more stubborn? No question - me.
Who kissed who first? He kissed me. And then kept kissing me. There was a lull in the conversation.
Who asked who out? He asked me out, but I wasn't sure if he actually was. I thought I might just be invited to a group thing. But it was actually a date.
Who has more siblings? He does, by two.
Who wears the pants? I think that we both do, just our own pairs.

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