Monday, May 25, 2009

It's Planted!

Saturday was a yard work day and we ended the day with our garden planted. I'm wondering how we can clean out all the rocks every year and have so many more the next year. Anybody?
We decided to do zuchinni, yellow-crookneck, cucumbers, and carrots from seed this year. Last year half of our plants died and when I replanted seeds they did great. Here's hoping it works again. We did do tomatoes from starts, though.
We need to pick up a few more of the white edging pieces. I'm hoping they will deter Britton from walking through, or digging in, the garden.
Sydni and Kenzie are going to take care of the garden this year as their "Faith" value project, so I will have good help! I'm so excited to have fresh tomatoes and squash in a couple of months!

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