Friday, April 10, 2009

A Good Run

It has been a good few weeks for Sydni. After the play was over she auditioned for, and made, the Dance Company at the Junior High again. She is such a talented dancer and it's been so fun to watch her learn and grow in her dancing this year. I saw a bumper sticker that said, "Why walk when you can dance?" That fits Syd so perfectly. She doesn't just walk across a room - she spins, or leaps, or glides.
She also decided that she wanted to run for 9th Grade Class Officer for next year, and she made it. We're very excited for her. She is going to be busy, but if anybody can pull if off, Sydni can. We might just have to give in and get another cell phone, though. We've been putting that off for as long as possible.
Then she brought home her report card for third quarter with a 4.0. That's right - straight A's. She's always had one or two A- before, and that was wonderful. But she's very excited to have gotten her first 4.0, and we're proud of all her hard work.

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