Monday, December 10, 2007

What a Whirlwind

I've been absent from the blogging world lately, but I have returned.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Don's family and then all gathered the next day for a family picture. Kudos to the folks at JaLynn Photography in SLC for getting all 44 of us into one picture without too much crying or complaining...
Since then, I have nearly completed everything for the Reflections program at the elementary school. We had a great awards assembly where Maddy, Kenzie, and Emma all received awards for their entries. (I was not one of the judges, mind you) Now I'm just trying to track down the last of the required parents' signatures so that I can get everything to Council by Friday for the next round of judging.
To add to the fun, I slipped on our driveway on Saturday, Dec. 1st and dislocated my kneecap. I was on crutches for three days, had a full leg brace for another few days, but am down to a smaller brace now. It looks like nothing was torn, and it's healing pretty quickly, but it slows me down alot more than I'd like.
Then last Wednesday I had a minor surgery. It was outpatient "girly" stuff, but again slowed me down for a few days. Between the IV, the two small incisions, and my knee, my body is very colorful right now. I think they are lovely shades of yellow, green, and purple, but the girls are totally grossed out by my bruises.
Amid all of this I am trying to prepare for Christmas. I have so much left to do, but I'm still not stressed about it. Maybe I'm just in denial, or maybe I'm okay with people getting our Christmas card in January.

1 comment:

Chelsi said...

So glad to see you back in the blogging world. :o) Although, I totally understand your absence. I hope you're feeling well!