Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Flying Beverage

I've had a couple of requests for the "Beverage Story" alluded to in my last post, so I'll fill you all in. They had a pinata set up in a corner of the cultural hall of our church, and had pushed all of the tables back away from it. The kids were supposed to stand "in the corner" and swing at the pinata. When Kenzie got up to take a whack at it, she managed to turn herself around so that she was standing in front of a table swinging at the pinata. Those sitting at the table were at the opposite side, so I'm sure they felt safe. But one of them had left a full cup of orange punch sitting in the middle of the table. When Mackenzie pulled the stick back to swing, she hit the glass and sent it flying onto those seated at the table. Luckily, they were good sports about it.

1 comment:

Chelsi said...

Leave it to Kenzie to pull that. :o) Some people just attract that sort of thing, don't they? Lately, I seem to be falling into that sort of behavior.